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25 Jul


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Patient Feedback – Now Live On Your Admission Forms

25 July 2018 | By | No Comments

We had a lot of requests from facilities wanting patients to be able to submit feedback on how they found the online form experience.

Perhaps a field like “Middle name” is set to mandatory and not all patients have a middle name, or maybe they found the form difficult and too long. The patient feedback section will allow patients to explain what they didn’t like or what they did like.

Once a patient is logged into the patient portal, they will see a little “Feedback” button on the right hand side, allowing them to rate the online service and also leave a comment.


The patient feedback will be emailed to the facility instantly, and you will know which patient submitted with details such as name and email.

Give the patient feedback a try, let us know if you like how it works, and definitely encourage patients to give it a go!

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